[go east]

two reasons why sauseschritt does post this hints to explore the silk road: firstly, there is this chinese colleague, who lives in Europe and is so much interested to travel the silk road, and secondly: suseschritt will have to stay for some time there, in order to promote and complete a project of big 0. enjoy the fotos, but also the travel report on ferghana.

weather forecast: no comment at all !!
lyndon, the man behind scraps of moscow, provides today's pictures. his new blog covers
moscow graffiti in all its forms,
reports siberian light.

only recently media reported on croatia´s obligation to deliver war crimes fugitive, general ante gotovina, to the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia. several
other cases are discussed these days and voices from the region ask themselves, why their local courts should/could not do the job:
.... the international criminal court (ICC) is the first ever permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to promote the rule of law and ensure that the gravest international crimes do not go unpunished. the icc will be complementary to national criminal jurisdictions,
states the
official website of the icc.
hearing about the latest cases made sauseschritt read slavenka drakulic´s book "they would never hurt a fly. war criminals on trial at the hague and some reading on two cases on war criminals" [again ....]. for those, who have not read the book but want to: two chapters can be also read online in english/german on the eurozine website.

in the balkan region, videoletters focuses on countries that once formed Yugoslavia (FY).
after a bloody war and hundreds of thousands of victims, yugoslavia fell apart. its citizens live in five separate countries: bosnia & herzegovina, slovenia, macedonia, croatia and serbia & montenegro (including kosovo). they barely have any contacts with the 'other side'. V* tv Series consists of 20 episodes.
in each V* episode (25') two former neighbours, friends or colleagues separated by war, exchange video letters. they express anger and sadness. they confess guilt. they put an end to rumours and gossip. when ready to accept each other's truths, they slowly re-establish their once close relationship.
after the exchange they usually meet in person for the first time since the war.
V* tv series is filmed over the last five years under complicated circumstances since many in fy regard communicating with 'the other side' as difficult, if not dangerous.
all national tv stations in fy will simultaneously broadcast videoletters in 2005 - a unique decision made by representatives of all public broadcasters during meetings in ljubljana and amsterdam.

predrag petrovic is an underground artist from kragujevac, serbia. on his fotoblog you will find old record covers from yugoslavia. amongst them a cover of ansambl paloma and ljubomir milic in mexican style.
also schockwellenreiter followed the traces of yugoslav-mexican relations and made us aware of
Yu-Mex: in 1948, the yugoslav leader josip broz tito (may 7, 1892 - may 4, 1980) broke up with the soviet leader Iosif vissarionovich stalin (dec. 21, 1879 - march 5, 1953) and yugoslavia was on the brink of war with the soviet union. there were tanks on both sides of the border and tito's regime imprisoned many soviet sympathizers (real or just suspected). russian films were suddenly not so popular anymore. yugoslav authorities had to look somewhere else for film entertainment. they found a suitable country in mexico: it was far away, the chances of mexican tanks appearing on yugoslav borders were slight and, best of all, in mexican films they always talked about revolution in the highest terms. how could an average moviegoer know that it was not the yugoslav revolution?
[quod made sauseschritt aware of ....] quod scripsi, scripsi - unfortunately its main part is in croatian language but in any case worth having a thorough look at. at least three other links provided seem to be worth visiting regularely:
southeast europe oneworld and
seeurope.net with all the news on the balkans!
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again three men, but this time for the old times sake: some finissage of posters of real socialism, which some of us might smilingly enjoy. but this entry might also serve as a hint for those which read this blog. sauseschritt will soon disappear in north western russia and for sure be travelling the belamorska and volga-baltisca waterway. more later ....
den hinweis auf

one of the rare websites offering travel information on the balkans:
tabibito is japanese for "traveller". this page is about individual travel through europe (balkans!) and asia providing an overview on culture, history, language and useful information on backpacking. (...) the english version of this homepage is still very poor and under construction,
writes tabibito in the intro of his/her website.

immerhin: wer in serbien oder bosnien-herzegowina unterwegs war, findet hier sehr viele öffentliche verkehrsmittel, die von japan zur verfügung gestellt wurden und dies mit großen aufschriften auch deutlich zeigen. teile der