and sauseschritt will not catch any of my us-colleagues at work. its time to remember what thanksgiving really is and where it comes from.
3quarksdaily makes us aware of an article in boston globe ideas:
(...) Another Thanksgiving approaches. It's that day when families across America gather to watch parades and competitive sports on television and to overindulge in stuffed turkeys, creamed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and rich pies.
Every schoolchild in America knows the story of the original Thanksgiving. In 1621 in Plymouth, émigré English Calvinists struggled to make their way in the harsh climate of this New World. Wampanoag Indians helped them, teaching them to grow corn. In gratitude the Pilgrims invited the Native Americans to join in their harvest feast. On this secular holiday, with our extended families around us at the Thanksgiving table, we may be moved to give thanks not only for the feast but also for our families, our country, and our many other gifts.
But this modern version of Thanksgiving would horrify the devout Pilgrims and Puritans who sailed to America in the 17th century. (...)