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ted, a platform to spread ideas of global relevance brings to us talks and performances of politicians, experts and others, who are considered of having interesting ideas. only recently sauseschritt presented some research on the use of mobile phones.

this time sauseschritt wishes to continue with the climate change issue raised in his previous post. geo-engineering, risk control or moral hazard ? I agree with david keith, that we should talk about it widely and not leave it to those, who would not dare to discuss it democratically. how about commenting on it, dear readers?

(...) Environmental scientist David Keith talks about a cheap, effective, shocking solution to climate change: What if we injected a huge cloud of ash into the atmosphere, to deflect sunlight and heat? As an emergency measure to slow a melting ice cap, it could work. Keith discusses why it's a good idea, why it's a terrible one -- and who, despite the cost, might be tempted to use it (...)


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