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[staying home]
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Weblog abonnieren
un, deux, trois ....


trying to get to zajezar seems to grow into a lifetime-project. this place is s.th. like 235 km southeast from belgrade at the bulgarian border, reports sodazitron and we guess she is on her way now.
on the other hand, ostracised has arrived in kaunas doing a bit of travelblogging and publishes on both, remote_a his blog and remote_a livingineurope. he started like that:
I'm leaving for a trip to kaunas, lithuania, just a week after the eu enlargement - quite a happy coincidence. characteristically, what takes me there is a professional networking activity sponsored by, guess, the eu. be that as it may, given the significance of the date, I'll try to make a small blogging project out of this. I hope to be back with results around the middle of next week.

und sauseschritt macht sich auf den weg nach sarajevo: deshalb herrscht in den nächsten tagen

FUNKSTILLE ...........

Is blog a masculine noun? remote_a asks ros taylor in the guardian. and she states: political blogs by women are very rare indeed (...) and they tend to play outside the circles of power ....

schön wärs wenn wir hier eine gender diskussion zustande brächten: also auf, frauen und männer !


twoday.net AGB


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