the film has touched a raw nerve among audiences in the balkans, questioning what many see as an integral part of their national identities and ultimately, peeva believes, showing just how much they have in common. the documentary follows peeva through macedonia, turkey, greece, albania, bosnia, serbia and bulgaria. in most countries, the tune is a love song with varying lyrics, but in others, such as turkey and bosnia, it has also been used as a war song. in each country the reactions are the same as people display shock, anger, or disbelief when peeva suggests the same tune is also claimed by their neighbors, writes the
international herald tribune about this movie.
one of these evenings in sofia, which perfectly would match activities of the business day. we talked about the movie, the so called truth, (semi-)censorship undertaken by international democratic bodies, disturbing art and personal bewilderment, the life and the so called balkans. last, but not least, it was about us: private identities of persons being identified as bulgarian, serbian, romanian, austrian and european. we had a lot of food, alcohol, laughter and interest in each other. and the movie was part of it. thank you all for the wonderful evening.