moravia: a grand grand mother, who was born and raised in
straznice, a father who spent the first months in the german wehrmacht in olomouc and e., who worked for one year at the university of ostrava. oh, sauseschritt almost forgot: sigmund freud was born in pribor! some people are going to venice or istria during easter holidays, others like to visit moravia. that´s the way it should be!
natürlich wird darüber gebloggt, aber erst, wenn sauseschritt wieder daheim ist. cao, ragazzi!
moncay [Do, 24.03.2005] - category:
czech republic
I was in Prague and Bratislava, but never in Brno... But there are beautiful Moravian folk songs... My father used to play them... Tece voda, tece... Hope you had nice holidays...
i enjoyed a lot. and, oh yes, the folk songs of my brababuschka !!!!!! i am still able to sing one .....