ein fundstück, das sich selbst so beschreibt: World66.com is one of the most complete travel resources on the internet, thanks to more than 40.000 articles on 10.000 destinations all over the world. The company was founded by Douwe and Richard Osinga in 1999, went through the wild years of the Internet hype and came out with its soul untouched. Indeed, after a few years as a rather closed content project without a proper licence, it has now joined the open content community publishing its articles under the Creative Commons Licence.
This is because we think that travellers are the most reliable source of information for other travellers.
erster kommentar: unterscheidet sich wohltuend vom etwas blassen design anderer wikis: neben
wikitravel das einzige zum thema, das ich kenne. weitere kommentare zu
world66 an dieser stelle, wenn wir einander nähergekommen sind.
für hinweise zu anderen reise wikis ist sauseschritt wie immer sehr aufgeschlossen ....
moncay [Fr, 26.03.2004] - category:
[net ambiente]