key speaker of an international conference on progress in different cultures was the south african breyten breytenbach, who delivered a rather pessimistic view on progress in the aera of globalisation:
progress? no. creativity? out of necessity. there may be no progress, but we have to keep on imagining ourselves. there may be no progress, but we must continue creating the premises of facts on the ground. the world - our world - has existed since all times, and every day we have to create it anew. if we did not walk the earth it would not exist.
sauseschritt is almost convinced although ......
breyten breytenbach´s rede anläßlich der internationalen konferenz des goethe - instituts zum thema "fortschritt und kulturen" schreckt mich bei der lektüre der zeit trotzdem auf. sollte sauseschritt sein lebensparadigma endgültig ändern? der neoliberalismus hat den begriff des fortschritts monopolisiert und wir (sogenannten!) gutmenschen versinken in existenzialismus? muß das, darf das, soll das sein?