vielleicht vermag die persönliche erinnerung mehr zu bewirken als die [letzten ideologiekritischen anmerkungen ....] :
Hunger im belagerten Leningrad:
... but my mother and her sister s and their mother were fighting for their life all the time. the factory for making shoes was situated nearby. It had a lot of leather for making shoes. most of the leather was left without beeing used. this leather was in formalin, which is a toxin, a poison in ordinary life. but women were putting the leather in water, keeping it there for several days for getting out the formalin, then were boiling and eating this boiled leather and drinking the clear "soup" water it was boiled in. It supported them a little , though any water from the city was also a serious problem, ....
aus: irina sentyurova: days lost in our memory. in: