for foreigners, few things are more peculiar in norway than the nations consumption of ”tran”, - or cod livers oil. the norwegians have been producing and exporting cod-liver oil for more than 1000 years.

moose attacks laundry rack. there's either a love- or hate-relationship going on between local moose and outdoor laundry racks in norway. another garden was plundered last week in gjøvik, and only the clothes that were hanging on the rack were left behind, reports

tumbleweed makes us aware of the upcoming indigenous peoples´year in the barent euro-arctic region. are we central-europeans really aware of this region and its people?

[the stones ...] must be very surprised too, finding themselves presented on an austrian weblog, after laying unnoticed for million of years in the norwegian mountains. they all come from
vågå in jotunheimen (in south central norway, some 300 km to the north west of oslo) .... most of the stones were found at the shores of the mountain
lake gjende. what are the chances for a stone to end up on the internet? It is a funny world.
writes t. in response to my [previous post ....].
...... a present from a friend in Oslo! thank you so much, t.! [but, where exactly do they come from ....]

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kautokeino gets war compensation. an austrian soldier that took part in the burning of finnmark during ww2 has eased his long-guilty conscience by leaving a percentage of his estate to the township of kautokeino, where he personally set fire to a row of buildings in the winter of 1944, reports the norwegian
has anybody heard of this man, named ludwig hauser? only recently [another message ....] reached me from norway, making me aware of this former austrian citizen, who´se action is currently widely discussed in the small norwegian town of kautokeino. as we are used to discuss the austrian "contributions" to ww2 in a very controversial way, the last will of mr. hauser might spread some light on our (maybe) wounded soul.
thanks again, t., for this information from the north!
for all of those readers capable of norwegian or swedish language, find more information here: [1],
[2] and
[3]. sauseschritt tried, but couldn´t find anything in the austrian media!