
noch eines dieser unsäglichen winterfotos. wobei sauseschritt nur auf den trip nach moldau verweisen möchte, von dem nun einige fotos auf flickr erschienen sind.

during my stay in moscow sauseschritt had the opportunity to read an article in the moscow news on drug trafficking between moldova and russia. its worth to have a closer look at it, due to the different truths hidden between the lines.
selbst einem aussenstehenden wie sauseschritt wird beim lesen dieses artikels von igor naidenov ein wenig unbehaglich zumute. was ist die wahrheit? vielleicht auch das, was eigentlich mit diesem artikel verschwiegen werden soll? denn mit keinem wort erwähnt naidenov in seinem bericht über die fahrt mit dem zug nr. 342, der chisinau mit kiev und moskau verbindet, transnistrien, die eigentliche relaisstation des drogen-, waffen- und menschenhandels in der region. stattdessen ist von den ukrainischen zollbeamten die rede, die den zug kaum kontrollieren und auch von der ohnmacht der russischen grenzbeamten, denen kaum genügend zeit zur verfügung steht, um den erfindungsreichen drogenschmuggel effektiv unterbinden zu können. das eigentliche problem aber ist jenes des verhältnisses von zentrum und peripherie:
almost everyone going to the capital for seasonal work carries some drugs. yet it is difficult to call them drugrunners. to them, this is a kind of currency to tide themselves over in the city until they find a job and get their first wages. the main thing is to bring in the stuff and then their fellow townsmen will advise them on how to push the lot and not get caught.
war es nicht die russische politik, die an dem machtvakuum in transnistrien interessiert war? und sind derartige probleme damit auch nicht hausgemacht, herr naidenov? die verhandlungen zwischen tiraspol, moskau und chisinau drehen inzwischen endlos scheinende spiralen.
two links to moldova, both "readable" for those understanding english: the decision to visit moldova was a quick one. I was skimming the pages of rsfl, a swedish gay rights organization, and I ran across an advertisement from a group of sweden planning a trip to chisinau to visit the pride festival there. interesting idea, I thought, and got in touch with gender-doc-m, the moldovan organization behind the event. sure, they said. come down. we’ll organize everything for you.

H.E. Vladimir Voronin
President of the Republic of Moldova
Chisinau, Moldova
Fax: +373 22 245 089
Vienna, 28 June 2004
Your Excellency,
The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from South East Europe, and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), is deeply concerned over the attack on Alina Anghel, an investigative journalist for the weekly newspaper Timpul. According to information before SEEMO, on 23 June, Anghel was attacked by two unknown persons on the block where she lives in Chisinau. The attackers beat her with a crowbar and disappeared before the arrival of the police. She was taken to hospital, where she was diagnosed with a brain injury and a fractured left arm.
SEEMO is further informed that Anghel received several threatening telephone calls after the publication of an article that revealed a car transaction between the State Chancellery and a local company, Daac-Hermes, and that the attack came on the eve of a court hearing of the libel action brought by the company against Timpul. Daac-Hermes is seeking almost US$ 2 million in damages.
As SEEMO has been informed by its local partners, the Independent Journalism Centre, Press Freedom Committee, Access-Info Centre, Association of Independent Press and Association of Electronic Press (APEL), the attack on the journalist comes at a time when the press freedom situation in Moldova is deteriorating, and the authorities are trying to maintain control over National Radio and Television at any price and to limit the voice of the independent press.
SEEMO condemns the attack on Alina Anghel and asks the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to ensure a thorough investigation into this case and to bring those responsible to justice. We would remind Your Excellency that a safe working environment for journalists is a fundamental principle of any democratic society and we hope that the Moldavian officials will solve this case in a timely manner.
We thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Oliver Vujovic
SEEMO Secretary General

the moldova media working group(mwg), which operates under the auspices of the stability pact for south-eastern europe, has praised the recent decision of moldovan parliament to repeal article 170 of the criminal code. In a press release, made public on 27 April, the group called the vote "a step in the right direction, which will enhance the role of the media in our democracy." members of the mwg called on moldovan decision-makers to continue the process of improving the legal environment in the country by scrapping article 1423 of the civil code, which establishes no ceiling on pecuniary compensations for moral damages. the group expressed willingness to cooperate with members of moldovan legislature to revise media-related laws in the country. The mwg was created in april 2002 upon the initiative of the stability pact media task force. reports the independant journalism center, a local moldovan ngo. for those, who not really believe in the importance of the stability pact, sauseschritt would like to emphasize that this small steps might be invisible in western europe but nevertheless of utmost importance in the country itself.

noch vor zwei jahren wollte die herrschende klasse nichts von den (demokratischen) standards in westeuropa wissen. anstatt die intensiven beziehungen zu rumänien zu nutzen, wandte man sich russland und der ukraine zu: westkontakte wurden (und werden) nicht gerne gesehen, bilaterale kontakte eingefroren. jetzt, ein jahr vor den wahlen, bemüht sich wenigstens die moldawische diplomatie den anschein zu erwecken: in der substanz hat sich allerdings nur wenig geändert.
am markt beschwert sich ein obstverkäufer bei der begleiterin von sauseschritt über lenin und "die russen", die alle verbrecher seien: erst im laufe seines monologes wird klar, dass mit seinen vorwürfen vor allem die derzeitige kommunistische regierung gemeint ist. vorbei sind die zeiten, als die wahlversprechen der kommunisten noch das volk hatte mobilisieren können. brotpreise wie in den guten alten zeiten, als moldawien noch der gemüseladen der sowjetunion war - das wurde versprochen und (konnte) natürlich nicht gehalten (werden). die doppelbödigkeit politischer rhetorik in einem land am gesellschftlichen abgrund - kein wunder, dass westliche hilfsangebote spärlich sind. wo bleiben die reformen, auf die alle zu warten scheinen?
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over 200 former prisoners of stalinist camps and their relatives participated on sunday, june 13, in a protest march in chisinau against the existing social policies for victims of the communist regime.
the former political prisoners marched on the stefan cel mare si sfant boulevard in the capital, walked to the central railway station, and held there a meeting to the remembrance of "victims of communist repressions". the protesters carried banners demanding back their properties and land, and describing the communist regime as the "exterminator of 110 million innocent people." they demanded enhanced social protection and respect for their rights, and withdrawal of the russian troops from transnistria. the participants accused the communist authorities of moldova of failure to fulfill their promises to return properties seized during the soviet era. --> read more ...

ostracised hat mit seinem

after more then 10 years of transition, moldova is still grappling with high unemployment, a poor investment climate, an enourmous foreign debt and widespread corruption within its borders. The breakaway territory of transnistria within moldova is a hotspot of illegal activity, including trade and smuggling in arms, cigarettes, petrol and alcohol. furthermore the transnistrian region is transited by smugglers of irregular migrants trying to enter western europe from africa or asia. the widespread poverty and lack of job opportunities drive many moldovans to look for work elsewhere ...starts the
report of migration in moldova published by the international organisation for migration (
iom). a clear message, which is not being accepted by the moldovan government so far. for the second time sauseschritt visited chisnau, the capital of the country, only to face the old system again ....
by the way, sodazitron nows more about it.

Наше кино broadcasts old russian movies: a fantastic opportunity to do both, to learn russian language and to get in contact (with often sovjet) culture. it is broadcasted via the RTVi - network and can be received via satellite.

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